Trump, in Light of This Week’s Readings
By:I am the leader and facilitator of a small group Bible study that is associated with our diocesan young adult’s group. As such, I was reading and r…
I am the leader and facilitator of a small group Bible study that is associated with our diocesan young adult’s group. As such, I was reading and r…
I recently saw this headline: "Triumph of the Beta Male." It's a story on the HBO series 'Silicon Valley.' I've never seen it. I'm not concerned…
There are currently 3 pro-male movements in competition with one another: Christian Masculinity Movement. It stresses the role of matrimony, fath…
Biblically speaking, if anyone had the right to resent playing “second fiddle” to anyone, particularly a sibling, it was Andreas bar Yochannan, better …
Parati Semper is the motto of the Troops of St. George, “Being Prepared Always.” It comes from 1 Peter 3:15. It has been on my heart this week. W…
Every Maccabee reader should seek a way to engage in the metapolitical struggle against postmodern degeneracy. Western Civilization and much of our che…
Usually at the end of the list of apostles, Sts. Simon and Jude are two of the apostles about whom the least is known with certainty. Simon the Zealot…
As my wife and I watched the local news this morning, worried about the escalating deluge, we were momentarily stunned to see a beloved priest, Fr. Dav…
The appropriateness of Christian military service is an ancient debate. It is fueled by divergent tales of Christian soldier martyrs. Pope St. Dam…
Homer's Greek epic the Iliad is a catechism on the merits and dangers of θυμός (thumos). Thumos is the breath of the warrior. It is the emboldened spir…