Master and Commander: A Movie Review
By:Taking a Break from Politics... Master and Commander As long as we've been discussing the lesser of two evils, and even whether we may so choose if…
Taking a Break from Politics... Master and Commander As long as we've been discussing the lesser of two evils, and even whether we may so choose if…
The absence of something does not necessarily equal the presence of something opposite. Although this logical truth seems self-evident, many philosophe…
Just when you thought you could count on the transient nature of the countless non-events our culture obsesses over, to ensure they ended up as just an…
Epiphany moment: This presidential race symbolizes capitalism (Trump) vs. Euro-Socialism (Clinton/Sanders). America is so far gone that we can n…
Matt Walsh has an interesting post up titled: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Dalrock (a manosphere commentator) ha…
Men, the war for Western Society (WestSoc) is far from over. The winner of the culture war will be Christians...because Christians beget Christians. At…
Japanese men used to look like this: ...but now they look like this: The Japanese birthrate has dropped to 1.4 births per woman. It will …
In the wake of last year's shootings in San Bernardino or more recently the seizure of an unused building on Federal property by self-styled militia me…
Typically in this day and age, when men hear the words "art" and "craft," they tend to see them framed by thoughts of flowery paintings, glitter, and o…
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) famously quipped that "God is dead," but his lasting legacy was the 20th century pursuit…