Why the Ghost of Cecil Continues to Haunt Us
By:Just when you thought you could count on the transient nature of the countless non-events our culture obsesses over, to ensure they ended up as just an…
Just when you thought you could count on the transient nature of the countless non-events our culture obsesses over, to ensure they ended up as just an…
My wife and I are rabid fans of Mad Men, AMC’s critically-acclaimed drama about an advertising agency in the 1960s. The show surveys America’s most tu…
When I was a boy, my family had had vinyl records and a "hi-fi." My dad had a closet in the house with the "hi-fi" within it. All the equipment was sil…
...or so I had hoped. The reality was a bit underwhelming. But first... RISEN MOVIE PARENTAL POINTS: Sex scenes: 0 instances Veiled sexual ref…
Why can't Republicans win anymore? Because unlike the Democrats, we Republicans as a group are gullible and stupid. We put 8 men on stage and this i…
Every Catholic gentleman should set aside time to read fiction. For those of us with expanding families and busy careers this can become a considerable…
The Oscars were last night and I'm glad to hear that Leonardo Dicaprio finally won the Academy Award for Best Actor. Mainly this is because he has had …
Since the era of the dime novels, to the beginning of the film age and right up until today, many a man has been drawn to the tales of the Wild West. …
The 88th Academy Awards are next Sunday night. I rarely care about what Hollywood thinks are the best movies they have produced during the year althoug…
Epiphany moment: This presidential race symbolizes capitalism (Trump) vs. Euro-Socialism (Clinton/Sanders). America is so far gone that we can n…